Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Comparing Apples and Oranges

 Nine Red Apples. 11x11, oil on paper

 Nine Green Apples. 10x10, oil on paper

Nine Oranges. 10x10, oil on paper

It took me nearly a week to finish this exercise. The goal was to focus on speed and execution. I can see a lot of improvement from the first apple to the last orange. Working so small was a challenge at first, but it has helped me to loosen up and be more painterly with my strokes.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Three Coffee Cups

Three coffee cups. 6x9, oil on paper.

This was one of the first pieces I did using medium with my oils. At the university, we used Liquin as a glazing medium. Before that I used straight linseed oil for glazing. Of course there's not glazing in the alla prima technique so abandoned the use of any medium for a long time. I would use thinner to create a ground and sometimes I'd layer some washes in my under painting, but for the painting itself I would dip my brush into pure paint and go. 

Using an oil medium has really opened up a new world for me. Currently, I'm using a mixture of linseed oil, sun-baked linseed oil, and mineral spirits. Doing so had done several things for me. I can now get more confident strokes because the paint is easier to control. I can get a wider variety of marks. I use less paint and create less waste. I get the work done faster.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

I love coffee

 Four Coffee Cups. 6x6, oil on paper

Four More Coffee Cups. 6x6, oil on paper

I love coffee, and not just in the morning either. I've been known to brew a pot pretty late in the evening. If I'm in the studio there's almost always some fresh java around. As such, you would think these cups would be a favorite subject. While I'm quite fond of the content here, I still have a difficultly drawing ellipses, especially from strange perspectives. That's why I've been painting a lot of cups lately.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Apple and Pear

Apple and Pear. 6x6, oil on paper

I managed to get one last painting with this pear before I had to throw it out. It was getting fairly squishy on the bottom. I'm working on keeping things blocky, its a lot harder than it looks!

Friday, January 27, 2017

More small paintings

Cup with Red Apples. 5x7, oil on paper

Blue Glass with Red Apples. 5x7, oil on paper 

Fruit and Cup. 5x7, oil on paper

I injured my lower back moving some heavy boxes. I usually paint standing up, but because of the injury I was forced to sit the whole day. I took the chance to produce these small still life paintings. 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

At Lake Watauga

At Lake Watauga. 7.5 x 11, oil on paper

It was a cold day for painting on the lake. The strong wind nearly flipped my easel and I had to chase some paper towels through a group of noisy geese. After close to 45 minutes, my hands were too frozen to continue and so I was forced to call this one done.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Two Pears

Two Pears. 5x7 oil on paper

I bought these two little pears a few days ago from the supermarket and almost forgot to paint them before they rotted. I tried to keep it loose with plenty of painterly strokes. I think this one turned out ok, don't you?

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Riverside. 7.5 x 11 oil on paper

This piece was done plein air by the river on a crisp, winter's day. Hidden behind a large boulder is a nice piece of sand that pushes out into the water, just right for easel painting.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Some small paintings

Egg in a bowl. 6x6 oil on paper

Cup. 6x6 oil on paper

I painted these small works yesterday. I made a trip to the salvation army over the weekend and picked up some new objects, mostly kitchen ware. I like to do two or more of these small studies a day, when I have the opportunity.