Monday, September 11, 2017

white roses on red

white roses on red, 6x6 oil on cardboard

I used a new recipe for my medium on this one. A couple of years ago, I made some sun-baked linseed oil. I've used it on and off with various results, but I recently started cutting it with gamsol and some linseed oil and it makes for a great medium. It dries to a glossy finish that mimics a good varnish.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Tangerines with the mint

Tangerines with the mint, 6x6 oil on cardboard

These tangerines were as tasty as they were colorful. I did this painting as a demo for a student. If was the first time they had attempted alla prima painting and it was a fun session! 

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Blue Flowers for Bonnie

blue flowers for bonnie 5x7 oil on cardboard

I bought these flowers for my wife, but they were so lovely I just had to paint them. This painting was executed on triple primed cardboard. I buy Kroger brand rice and chope down the thick, cardboard boxes that it comes in. It makes a create surface.